A Multidimensional Array Representation of State-Transition Model Dynamics

This approach produces a multidimensional array from which both the state occupancy and the transition dynamics can be recovered. We highlight the advantages of the multidimensional array over the traditional cohort trace and provide potential applications of the proposed approach with an example coded in R to facilitate the implementation of our method.

Decision modeling
Health economics
Cohort State-Transition Models (cSTM)
State-Transition Models (STM)
R Project
Multidimensional Array

Krijkamp E

Alarid-Escudero F

Enns EA

Pechlivanoglou P

Hunink MGM

Yang A

Jalal H


January 28, 2020

Recommended citation

Krijkamp E, Alarid-Escudero F, Enns EA, Pechlivanoglou P, Hunink MGM, Yang A, Jalal H. A Multidimensional Array Representation of State-transition Model Dynamics. Medical Decision Making, 2020;40(2):242-248. The accompanying R code can be downloaded here.


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Cost-effectiveness analyses often rely on cohort state-transition models (cSTMs). The cohort trace is the primary outcome of cSTMs, which captures the proportion of the cohort in each health state over time (state occupancy). However, the cohort trace is an aggregated measure that does not capture information about the specific transitions among health states (transition dynamics). In practice, these transition dynamics are crucial in many applications, such as incorporating transition rewards or computing various epidemiological outcomes that could be used for model calibration and validation (e.g., disease incidence and lifetime risk).



To overcome the limitations of the cohort trace, we propose a multidimensional array–based approach that serves as a full summary of cSTM dynamics that complements the already useful cohort trace. The proposed approach, called the dynamics-array approach, allows modelers to efficiently calculate all measures of interest that rely on transition dynamics and at the same time to aggregate all model dynamics into a standard cohort trace.



The practical application of our approach involves adding a simple step to the traditional cohort trace approach that stores all transitions among health states over time in multidimensional array A. We described the multidimensional array approach for a general cSTM where transitions are allowed from any state to others within a cycle, but our approach can also be applied to models that only allow one-state transition in a cycle (i.e., where the \(p_{i,j,t}\) are 0 for those transitions that are not allowed).



In conclusion, structuring the output of cSTMs using the dynamics-array approach is an efficient, simple, and convenient method of summarizing the model dynamics. This simple structure allows applying state and transition rewards and obtaining epidemiological measures while still being able to obtain and display the conventional cohort trace.