A Value of Information Analysis of Research on the 21-Gene Assay for Breast Cancer Management

The present study reveals important insight into the costs and benefits of proceeding with decisions on the use of the 21-GA based on current information and helps set priorities for designing additional research.

Breast cancer
Decision-analytic models
Decision uncertainty
Value of information (VOI)

Kunst N

Alarid-Escudero F

Paltiel D

Wang SY


October 1, 2019

Recommended citation

Kunst N, Alarid-Escudero F, Paltiel D, Wang SY. A value of information analysis of research on the 21-gene assay for breast cancer management. Value in Health, 2019;22(10):1102-1110.


  title={A value of information analysis of research on the 21-gene assay for breast cancer management},
  author={Kunst, Natalia R and Alarid-Escudero, Fernando and Paltiel, A David and Wang, Shi-Yi},
  journal={Value in Health},


%0 Journal Article
%T A value of information analysis of research on the 21-gene assay for breast cancer management
%A Kunst, Natalia R
%A Alarid-Escudero, Fernando
%A Paltiel, A David
%A Wang, Shi-Yi
%J Value in Health
%V 22
%N 10
%P 1102-1110
%@ 1098-3015
%D 2019
%I Elsevier


T1  - A value of information analysis of research on the 21-gene assay for breast cancer management
A1  - Kunst, Natalia R
A1  - Alarid-Escudero, Fernando
A1  - Paltiel, A David
A1  - Wang, Shi-Yi
JO  - Value in Health
VL  - 22
IS  - 10
SP  - 1102
EP  - 1110
SN  - 1098-3015
Y1  - 2019
PB  - Elsevier
ER  - 



Published in:





The 21-gene assay Oncotype DX (21-GA) shows promise as a guide in deciding when to initiate adjuvant chemotherapy in women with hormone receptor–positive early-stage breast cancer. Nevertheless, its routine use remains controversial, owing to insufficient evidence of its clinical utility and cost-effectiveness. Accordingly, we aim to quantify the value of conducting further research to reduce decision uncertainty in the use of the 21-GA.



Using value of information methods, we first generated probability distributions of survival and costs for decision making with and without the 21-GA alongside traditional risk prediction. These served as the input to a comparison of 3 alternative study designs: a retrospective observational study to update risk classification from the 21-GA, a prospective observational study to estimate prevalence of chemotherapy use, and a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the 21-GA predictive value.



We found that current evidence strongly supports the use of the 21-GA in intermediate- and high-risk women. Further research should focus on low-risk women, among whom the cost-effectiveness findings remained equivocal. For this population, we identified a high value of reducing uncertainty in the 21-GA use for all proposed research studies. The RCT had the greatest potential to efficiently reduce the likelihood of choosing a suboptimal strategy, providing a value between $162 million and $1.1 billion at willingness-to-pay thresholds of $150 000 to $200 000/quality-adjusted life years.



Future research to inform 21-GA decision making is of high value. The RCT of the 21-GA predictive value has the greatest potential to efficiently reduce decision uncertainty around 21-GA use in women with low-risk early-stage breast cancer.